Islamic Quiz Questions With Answer In Bengali & English ( ইসলামিক কুইজ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর )

Islamic Quiz Questions  With Answer In Bengali & English ( ইসলামিক কুইজ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ) 

Islamic Quiz Questions  With Answer In Bengali & English ( ইসলামিক কুইজ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর )

Islamic quiz competition

1 / Which is the smallest surah of the Holy Quran?

A. Surah Kawthar.

2 / Which is the biggest verse of the Holy Quran?

A. Verse 262 of Surah Baqara.

3 / Which day is called the day of weekly Eid?

A. Friday.

আরো পড়ুন- নবীজি  সাঃ এর জীবনী কুইজ

4 / Who introduced the first murder among mankind?

A. Kabil.

5 / Who is the first muezzin of Islam?

A. Bilal (ra :).

7 / What is the number of Companions who received the good news of Paradise while living in the world?

A. 10 people.

6 / Which eye of the Dajjal will be blind?

A. Right eye.

8 / Which surah is called the pinnacle of the Quran?

A. Who is Surah Baqara?

9 / Who will be the leader of the women of Paradise?

A. Fatima (ra :).

10 / Who will be more in paradise?

A. The poor.

11 / Whose number will be more in hell?

A. Women.

Islamic Quiz Questions  With Answer In Bengali & English ( ইসলামিক কুইজ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর )

12 / Which two Muslim kings ruled the whole world?

A. Solomon (peace be upon him) and Zulkarnain.

13 / Where is the headquarters of OIC?

A. In Jeddah.

14 / What is the current Hijri year?

A. 1439.

15 / Which Companion (RA) introduced the calculation of Hijri year?

A. Umar (ra :).

18 / How many branches of faith?

A. More than seventy.

18 / What is bidat?

A. If you create something new in the name of worship.

18 / What will be the age of man in paradise?

A. 33.

19 / Which Companion (RA) was called a living martyr?

A. Talha bin Ubaydullah.

20 / In which vehicle did the Prophet (peace be upon him) reach Masjidul Aqsa from Masjidul Haram?

A. Borak.

21 / Which surah is called 'Ummul Quran'?

A. Who is Surah Fatiha?

22 / Which is the most virtuous verse of Quranul Kareem?

A. Ayatollah Kursi.

Islamic Quiz Questions  With Answer In Bengali & English ( ইসলামিক কুইজ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর )

23 / Which three Surahs are more virtuous to recite at bedtime?

A. Surah Ikhlas, Falaq and Nas.

24 / What is the difference between Muslim and non-Muslim worship?

A. Salat.

25 / Which Companion (R :) was given the title of trustee of the Ummah?

A. Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA).

26 / To which female Companion (ra) did Allah send salutation through Jibreel (a :)?

A. Khadija (ra :).

26 / On what subject was the book 'Ar-Rahikul Makhtum' written?

A. Biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

26 / Arabic In which month Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated?

A. In the month of Shawwal.

29 / Which two cities will the Dajjal not be able to enter?

A. Mecca and Medina.

30 / Who will lead Imam Mahdi?

A. Muslims.

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